Dress (Zara) | Shoes (Aldo) | Earrings (Joe Fresh) | Necklace (UO) |
- What's up?
One of my favourite summer traditions is staying up late watching sappy love comedies or mindlessly going through Youtube video after video til seven in the morning before passing out to a TV show on Netflix. The hours I waste constantly remind me of how underrated free time is. On some days where I'm not busy making small talk with my friends or bustling my ass for some extra cash in my wallet I just want to do nothing and relax on my own, guilt-free of "summer plans". Free time nags me to catch up on the stuff I've put to the back-of-the-shelf for other plans or books I should start reading soon or researching other useless information, like how to toast a toast without a toaster. You use a frying pan by the way and man it takes decades.
I've been keeping my hands extra busy this summer working at a sweet new job that I love and interning at a high-end e-commerce store. To add the cherry on top, another month and a half of summer school and trying my hardest to build a photography portfolio for fall. Free time shows up from time to time and baking in its presence can be more satisfying than you think. I've also deleted Snapchat for the fourth time now so no, I will not be watching an hour long story of a rave you accidentally took molly on or what your new pet kitten did that was so adorable. I feel like a good portion of my free time is consumed from overusing that app.
yours when the going gets rough,
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