Light Gray Sweater (H&M) | Coat (Zara) | Denim Button-Down (Old Navy) | Kicks (Vans) | Navy Pants (Zara) |
- What's up?
My photographer and I love finding empty parking lots scattered across the downtown area and just shooting there - quiet and people-free. It's always challenging to find original spots to shoot at without being too redundant or too simple; also keeping in mind the presence of the public turning heads at us. But it's all in good fun, it always is with fashion and photography - art in general unless you get down to the nitty gritty, soulful, passionate, emotional-to-the-core side of it. In about a month or so, I'll be moving out of residency and onto a new site on campus, beginning my life as a summer-school student and a slave to calculus along with three other soon-to-be-roommates. The only thing that'll get me by this vacation-free summer will be all the concerts I'm super stoked to be attending. Alas, first year is truly coming to an end and it's been everything almost everything I've expected it to be. I'll probably make a separate post about what I've learned but for now, let me get to Block Party 2015 and make more bad decisions while dancing to Tokyo Police Club live. On the plus side, I'm turning 19 in a few days and I can finally attend minor-free shows. And buy booze I guess, but that's always more fun sneaking around with it underaged.
Ya girl's seeing Death Grips on the 29th of June and she couldn't be any more excited.
yours until the penny drops,
Love this look :)